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About high blood pressure

Because the pressure in the blood vessel is high in the high blood pressure, I put a burden on blood vessel. I am in condition to push blood to the wall of the blood vessel at high pressure. I am in condition to paint a vascular wall with fat in the case of hyperlipidemia. Blood vessel does not gradually have elasticity. If blood streams down the blood vessel which there is not elasticity, and became fragile at high pressure, blood vessel is in condition to be easy to be torn. I am very in danger if it becomes cerebral hemorrhage and aneurysms. It is said, people of the high blood pressure "will refrain from salt" well. It is absorbed in blood when I consume salt. When salinity in blood rises, the body takes in water in blood to be going to keep a fixed salinity, and blood volumes increase. Because blood volumes increased, blood pressure rises. The Japanese takes in salt around 11 g per day. Because the ideal is less than 6-7 g, the Japanese takes it in clearly too much. There is the shop where salinity is listed in every one article when I read a menu in a family restaurant. There is the thing which 6-7 g of salt is included in by one meal. I confirm salinity, and please have a meal. In addition, as for the soup and the sources, a person to leave may refrain from salt.


About a lifestyle-related disease, metabolic syndrome > About high blood pressure > About diabetes > For meals (mottainai)
